Links; provided for your assistance - to events, groups, and resources - from near and far.
Click on the area of links that interest you

Local Events

Dark Angel's Lair - The Play Party Hosted by Dark Angel
DAL is Community Private Play Party (for 170 kinksters), and has been running for 10 years in London Ontario Canada. DAL is the Sponsor Event (along with BDSM London Munch) for TEASE. DAL is held about 5 to 6 times each year in London Ontario Canada - in conjunction with it's twisted sister events KNaNO (Kitchener and the EHBC Munch Group) and Club 13 (Guelph).
DAL is one of 4 Founding events for TEASE TEASE, DAL, KNaNO, as well as Club 13 reservations are available (although you still have to fill out the online Reservation System for TEASE) at DAL.
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KNaNO (Kitchener's NAughty Night Out) - Kitchener/Waterloo
An excellent page, an excellent Munch Group, and Host of an awesome Private Play Party "KNaNO" 4times a year. EHBC also puts on Educational Workshops, and supports other groups throughout Ontario. The EHBC Website also is my all-time favorite all-encompassing all-of-Ontario BDSM Community event calendar. KNaNO, run by EHBC, is the Twisted-Sister event of DAL, and strongly affiliated with both DAL and TEASE. DAL and TEASE always lends our equipment to EHBC for KNaNO,
EHBC/KNaNO is one of 4 Founding events for TEASE. TEASE, DAL, KNaNO, as well as Club 13 reservations are available (although you still have to fill out the online Reservation System for TEASE) at the EHBC events.
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Club 13 - Guelph
A very EXCITING SW Ontario Canada BDSM Community Private Play Party. Hosted by our very good friend ChrisTopHer and his lady Dark Raven.
Free light meal, and a Cash Bar.
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TEASE is an ANNUAL Pan-Sexual, Pan-Kink, outdoor Canadian Alternative Lifestyle Educational Camping Convention. Open to all adults, 18 years old and above; Singles, Couples, Triads, Quads, Families, Poly, Swingers, Monogamous, Celibate, Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Curious, Complicated, or Uncertain,,, from around the world – located on a large, Private - Kink Friendly - Adult Camp Ground, close to the shores of Lake Erie, in lovely Ontario, Canada.
5 days and 4 nights of wild fun and quality education, with; Workshops, Hands on Demos, Pony events, Puppy/Kitty events, Hot Tubs, BDSM Games, drumming circle, The King's Fantasy Masked Ball, Dom/sub charity auction, Socials, nightly Play Parties (with multiple Play Areas), bonfires, Free Door prizes, as well as Camping with, and meeting new friends.
TEASE 2011 has expanded to include a non-mandatory "THEME" for each night; details of, Ichi-Yoru (First Night), Inferno, Tribal, and Carnival; can be found on the INFO page.
TEASE is a PRIVATE, Pre-Paid Registered Members ONLY event - and is run as a not-for-profit Community Educational Event; brought to you by the BDSM London Munch, Dark Angel's Lair (DAL) of London, and EHBC/KNaNO (of Kitchener).
TEASE is more fun than should be legal, come join us - for the LARGEST Canadian Camping Convention.
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The Dark Side is a weekly ADULT Podcast focusing on the BDSM Alternative Lifestyle - Hosted by Dark Angel and KnotNice.
Opinion discussions, interviews, and listener e-mail comments and questions.
You are warned that the topics are not recommended for those under 18, or those who live in an area that does not allow alternative lifestyle relationships (really, you should just move).
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**** Dark Angel's new book ****
The Forbidden Fruit
- A Couple's Guide to Exploring the Darker Side of Sexual Magic
This Adult Sexuality Self-Help book is a couple's guide to improving and expanding your sex lives while defining new boundaries together. Here you will find guidance and exercises where you will share new areas of intimacy and mutual pleasure. The simple and easy to follow chapters progress from the basics, to slowly exploring your fantasies, with the goal of helping you build a more fulfilling life together.
Taste of the Forbidden Fruit; something most people secretly hunger for, but are too timid to explore.
Click to go order one today !
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. Club Edge
A very EXCITING new SW Ontario Canada BDSM Community Private Play Party. Hosted by the very good Sir John of Black Eagle House, Master of elle. Club Edge is a monthly party for adults that are involved in the B.D.S.M Lifestyle.
This is a pansexual group.
If you have questions about the party please contact us at: [email protected]
The parties are a place where open minded adults can express their desires and associate with like-minded people.
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The Oh Team
The Oh Team is the OFFICIAL News source for TEASE breaking news items, they are also the Sponsors of the TEASE Fox Hunt.
Weekly comments and breaking news about TEASE can be heard on "The Oh TEAM" Internet Radio Show - Monday nights, from 7pm till 10pm
Internet Radio - all you need is a computer with speakers and an internet connection. DA and other TEASE Members are often found in the accompanying Live Chat (also found from the Oh Team Website).
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The Point Tent & Trailer Resort was created with the gay male camper in mind. BUT - on the weekend of August 15th, they open the park up for a Pan Sexual BDSM Camping event. Check out their site and see if it is for you - and say hello to Dark Angel if you attend.
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Local Groups/Munches
BDSM-London Munch
A very fun and friendly Munch Group, Hosted by Dark Angel - the 3rd TUESDAY of EACH Month - along with a very good e-discussion-list (for discussion on the lifestyle). London Ontario Canada also is the Home for DAL as well as the "DAL/BDSM London" Series of SM Educational Workshops.
BDSM London is one of 4 Founding events for TEASE.
TEASE, DAL, KNaNO, as well as Club 13 reservations are available (although you still have to fill out the online Reservation System for TEASE) at the BDSM London Munch.
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EHBC - Kitchener/Waterloo
An excellent page, an excellent Munch Group, and Host of an awesome Private Play Party "KNaNO" 4times a year. EHBC also puts on Educational Workshops, and supports other groups throughout Ontario. The EHBC Website also is my all-time favorite all-encompassing all-of-Ontario BDSM Community event calendar. KNaNO, run by EHBC, is the Twisted-Sister event of DAL, and strongly affiliated with both DAL and TEASE. DAL and TEASE always lends our equipment to EHBC for KNaNO,
EHBC/KNaNO has donated time, equipment, and is part of the Staff of TEASE. TEASE, DAL, KNaNO, as well as Club 13 reservations are available (although you still have to fill out the online Reservation System for TEASE) at the EHBC events.
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The Niagara Kink Social is in a kink-friendly small bar environment, where we all can feel free to hang out, drink, discuss whatever we'd like & wear whatever clothes we feel comfortable in. Collars & other fetwear are welcomed but people who wish to wear fetwear please be respectful of the venue: be tasteful, without nudity.
This is an adult non-munch munch, there is no food, just drinks & friendly conversation ; held the 1st Thursday of each month - in St. Catharines, Ontario.
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. Shibari Niagara
Adult Rope Arts in Niagara / Hamilton
Friendly & fun adult rope arts!
Shibari Niagara is pleased to announce that we are moving our monthly rope practice meetings back to a free space that has been offered to us in downtown St. Catharines, Ontario.
Feel free to bring your own rope but if you don't have any there will be some rope available.
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A friendly gathering for people from all groups, ages, genders, and interests to meet and put
aside differences and bind the community while exchanging ideas and just having fun.
The First Wednesday of Every Month, 7pm - 10pm (or until we are finished having fun), in Stoney Creek, Ontario
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. Niagara TNG
NTNG is a vibrant munch group aimed at kinksters between the ages of 18-30, located in the Niagara Region of Ontario, Canada. We aim to provide a friendly and safe place for young kinksters to meet, learn, and gain confidence.
We have a monthly munch on the last Thursday of each month. In addition, we plan some other pretty cool events...some of which are open to everyone!
The NTNG hosts are currently Matt/MasterMatt84, Nadia/MasterMattsTripp, and Emma/Eve_blacksub
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Toronto TNG Munch (The Next Generation)
A pansexual social networking group for people aged 18 - 35. Promoting a safe space for sharing ideas and knowledge, our focus is on welcoming newcomers, educating our members and providing the "first step" into entering the kink and fetish community. We are currently holding a munch in midtown Toronto on a bimonthly basis to give everyone a chance for some face-to-face interaction. Munches are held on the second Monday of January, March, May, July, September, and November and generally start around 7:00pm.
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Steeltown - Hamilton
This was the VERY FIRST Munch Dark Angel ever attended - as well they Host a good E-Discussion list I am a member of. A very friendly group of accepting people (if they would accept me, they would accept anyone - LOL). I recommend this as a group to learn from and with. Originally in Dundas Ontario, it moved to Burlington a few years ago, and I have recently hear they are moving it to Hamilton (check their web site for specific details).
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DEVIANToronto is an informal group of people involved in the Toronto kink scene who are interested in organizing and promoting educational and social events in our community. They Host a Monthly Munch at The Auld Spot Pub , 347 Danforth Avenue (by Chester station) - on the 4th Tuesday of every month, starting at 7pm and running until 10pm or whenever people head out. DEVIANToronto a;so Hosts monthly BDSM Educational Workshops - check their website out for details. DEVIANToronto was created by Carina (aka darkestembrace), who Hosts the events along with a group of dedicated friends.
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Quinte West Munch
A Munch held in Trenton Ontario the third Saturday of each month.
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Phoenix Niagara
A group from Niagara Falls that hold regular Munches and small Private Play Parties
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Young Oshawa Kinky Education Society
A kinky youth group based in Oshawa, ON, Canada.
We hold munches/parties on a periodic basis at various locations around Oshawa, to provide an environment for young (18-35 years old) kinksters to explore themselves in a safe and easy-going environment.
We encourage our members to be active within the greater community, both locally in Oshawa, as well as in the GTA, and as far out as Belleville.
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Information Sites

The AIDS Committee of London is a community-based, charitable organization providing HIV-related services to people living with and concerned about HIV/AIDS in London and area.
Our mandate is to:
- Improve quality of life for those living with & affected by HIV/AIDS
- Reduce the number of new HIV infections
- Increase community awareness about HIV/AIDS
Our service users include thousands of people: those living with HIV/AIDS, their partners, family & friends, and those who are concerned about HIV/AIDS - anyone at risk for HIV, and anyone who provides services to people with, or at risk for, HIV. All of our services are free and confidential.
We are a registered charitable corporation, #11877 9008 RR0001.
The ACOL is also the designated Charity of DAL as well as TEASE.
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FetLife BDSM & fetish community for kinksters by kinksters
Like Facebook, but just for kinky people - a GREAT way to meet and network with your kinky friends.
TEASE has a group on Fet Life where people can openly share thoughts and ideas (the private stuff is recommended to be shared in the PRIVATE TEAM Members area).
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The BDSM Resource Center
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A BDSM Listing for events in the USA - listed by STATE
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Master Tatu
A brief view of one of TEASE 2007 AND 2008's - 2 Headliner Workshop Presenters, as well as the link to his D/s Arts site.
Tatu has is a Dominant Male who resides in south Florida. Tatu enjoys Japanese art in many forms, gardening, food,
martial arts, taiko drumming, tattoo, and general eastern philosophy.
He considers himself "Eastern School" D/s.
He founded Shibari South Florida in 2000, which teaches rope
to interested persons around south Florida. It began in his home at first and recently moved to larger venues to accommodate the numbers of interested persons.
He is honored to have been asked to teach rope at a number of national and local events around the country throughout the year.
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A site that offers support and information
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A very nice link that lists MANY Organizations and events WORLDWIDE.
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An interesting site that has more links to events and reviews than you can shake a stick at.
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Kink in Canada
Our Canadian content adult directory is indexed completely by hand. Each link is checked personally to determine that it is indeed Canadian in some shape or form, that it's not a pop-up hell that buries your browser in new windows, and that the site provides real content, merchandise, or information you may be interested in. Kink In Canada will not be the next Google , Yahoo , or MSN but if you want to find the closest nudist beach, swing club, or Canadian shipped adult merchandise without a lot of hassle we will most likely have the links you are looking for. So what's your kink?
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Gay Canada
Founded in 1994, the Canadian Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Resource Directory is an organization dedicated to the collection, compilation and distribution of information important to or of relevance to the GLB communities across Canada. The CGLBRD is a group of hard working people dedicated to bringing information about gay and gay-friendly resources, organizations and businesses to all Canadians as well as visitors to our country. GayCanada is the Internet side of the CGLBRD. It functions as both a primary method for displaying information that the CGLBRD has collected as well as an information gathering tool for the organization. All information found at GayCanada is available free of charge.
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A fetish Resource guide
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The World Sex News
An interesting site that you can sign up for to also get mailings of the stories they cover. An interesting site that covers a very wide range of topics and events.
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Follows are some vendors who have directly or indirectly supported TEASE
Chateau Sauble
where fantasy IS reality.
INTRODUCING.......CHATEAU SAUBLE (Sauble's naughty little secret)
a Bed, Breakfast and Dungeon; presented to you by your Hosts, Brad and Judy Coddington.
Located in the town of Sauble Beach, which is on the pristine shores of Lake Huron, in the very beautiful Bruce Peninsula. Chateau Sauble is a short jaunt to the beach itself.
Chateau Sauble has donated time and equipment, as well as donated door prizes to TEASE.
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- THE Fet Jeweller
A BDSM Gold/Silversmith, and a very good friend of ours. Franklin personally welded the gold chain I had permanently placed around tareena's left ankle;
Over thirty years of experience and my fully-equipped manufacturing studio ensure expert craftsmanship for your fetish and kink jewelry.
I am dedicated to providing jewellery of a fine quality.
My products are created with care and skill and are comparable with jewelry found in the finest of jewellery stores.
A dash of my kink added to my skills as a goldsmith produces fine jewelry for kink-minded people
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KAOS Floggers
- some EXTREMELY awesome floggers, 5 of which DA just HAD to purchase at the Nov 4th Fet Fair. Their Web site is under construction, but they have provided a contact e-mail. You will see 2 very nice hand made floggers from Kaos Floggers - with handles on bearings as some of the TEASE prizes.
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Love Tools (The Chain Mail Guy)
Hi I'm Jerry Penner, The Chain Mail Guy. I create beautiful and functional pieces of chain mail. Some call it functional art, wearable art, authentic historical reproductions, way-out futuristic clothing, or armour for the New Age. However you refer to it, articles created by the Chain Mail Guy are of the highest quality. I make my own rings because I can't find anyone who can provide me with a consistent high-quality ring that won't scratch, pinch, or pull hair. My rings are cut so well you won't feel a burr around the face of any ring, nor will you see light through the join.
As I am inspired to create new designs, they come out. If you don't see what you're looking for, describe it and I'll offer suggestions and quote price and delivery for you. If you can dream it in cloth, I can knit it in chain.
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Halfway Creations
We take great pride in our products. We have been involved in the leather community and the leather lifestyle for over 15 years. We believe strongly in providing top quality leather gear and toys at an affordable price. We stand behind our products 100%
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Master Sergeant's Wood 'n Leather
Master SGTs toys are made with both domestic and exotic woods and the finest leather. Our rattan is the best quality with the ends rounded and sanded. All of our items are hand made in our work shop. We feature such items as dragon tails, paddles, rulers, rattan bundles in 4 sizes, and rattan canes from 1/4 inch up to 1 inch. We also have the BDSM window stickers in 2 sizes. I have been making quality and reasonably priced toys for over 8 years. We have vended at many events throughout the Southeastern United States and Canada.
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Master Andre'
Each item in this innovative new line has been painstakingly made be hand to Master Andre's exacting standards. Using super strong parachute cord, he has created an innovative selection of floggers,cat and single-tail whips. Every piece is extremely durable and 100% vegan .Though lighter than leather, they provide satisfying sensation without the sharp sting of most synthetic. Each item is perfectly balanced and feel solid in the hand.
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Hand crafted belts, restraints, leather, and accessories for the discerning collector.
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The vendor (internet orders) where Dark Angel got his steel collar from. Very nice work.
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Links to Distant Groups
this is a list of links to help you find connections to groups outside of Ontario.
Sagacity - a very active BC group
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Another active BC group
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An Excellent International events listing page
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listing groups and events in the USA, state by state
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A Montreal groups site
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TES, a New York City based S&M group
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Society of Janus is a San Francisco based BDSM education/support group
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The National/International Leather Association
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A list of Groups/Organizations/Events in the USA
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Links to Distant Events
this is a list of links to help you find connections to events outside of Ontario.
Dark Odyssey
Dark Odyssey (since 2003) is a 4-6 day, all-inclusive, clothing optional Alternative Sexuality retreat for open-minded adults from all walks of life. We gather to explore, learn and play on two hundred very private and secluded acres in Northern Maryland. One of the 3 big BDSM Camps in the eastern US.
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Camp Crucible
2009 was the 11th year of an all-inclusive 5 day BDSM Camp with Workshops as well as Pony Events. This event was THE model that TEASE was structured after. Camp Crucible is one of the 3 big BDSM Camps in the NE US.
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If your non-profit community event or group would like to be linked from the TEASE Website; please e-mail Dark Angel - at
with the link and a full description, as well as any logo you have.
If you don't find the answer to your question, please feel free to click on the link at the bottom of this page, and e-mail me.